The Neighborhood House Nursery School’s philosophy of celebrating the individual child, tradition of community service, and curriculum distinguish it from other nursery schools and child care centers in the area. Flexible Scheduling- The Neighborhood House offers flexible scheduling for children who have turned three or four by October 1st. Homelike Environment - The Neighborhood House resembles a home more than a school, thus making a child's first break from home easier. Each room is arranged in a homelike fashion, offering the individual child a comfortable and supportive environment. Dedicated Staff - Our staff of certified teachers and teacher assistants as well as dedicated volunteers from the community demonstrate their commitment to the school with their long-term service. Diverse Student Body - Our school draws children from different religious, economic, racial and cultural backgrounds. The children learn to respect the individuality of each culture and appreciate the common ground which all cultures share. Outdoor Facilities - The children play regularly on the fully-equipped, large NHNS playground or in nearby Taylor Park to exercise and develop large muscle skills. Story Art - Story Art is a literature-based art program offered as an enrichment option to students on Wednesdays. Classes are from 12 - 3 PM, cost $35 each, and many children in the program also stay for lunch, which is an additional $10. |
Neighborhood House Nursery School is committed to teaching children about community through exploration and hands-on field trips. Children visit the Millburn Fire House and hatch duck eggs in October. In addition, NHNS offers two trips a year to the Paper Mill Playhouse. |
Behind our school lies the Millburn-Short Hills Community Garden which is owned by the Neighborhood Association and has operated for over 35 years. The Neighborhood House Nursery School maintains 3 of the 78 individual gardens for use with its garden curriculum. The Millburn-Short Hills Garden Club operates the remaining spaces, creating a beautiful green oasis in the middle of town. The garden enables students to learn about nature through hands-on exploration. NHNS has a garden enrichment teacher that works with the children throughout the year teaching them about where food comes from and about the life cycle of a plant. It's easier to learn to love fruits and vegetables when you grow them yourself! |